Founded in 1974, FUNKE is a leader in the development and production of quality heat exchangers.
The range of products comprises of Plated Heat Exchangers (bolted/brazed) and Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers that meet international standards and customized specifications of major engineering and oil companies.
They have the solution for most industries and virtually all applications using optimum thermodynamic design.
Plate Heat Exchanger (Bolted/Gasketed)
For all media in liquid or gaseous form
Device diameter of max, 2,000 mm with installation length of 10 m
Operating pressure of up to 600 bar
Inlet temperatures of up to 550°C
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
Heat exchange surface per plate: 0.04 - 3.0m²
Max. operating pressure: 25 bar
Max. operating temperature 195°C
Delivered also as a safety heat exchanger or in titanium / special materials
Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger
The GPL/GPLK series for use in the heating - air conditioning - ventilation areas
The TPL series with turbulence devices for high-level heat transmission in the cooling of oil in mechanical engineering
Max. operating pressure: 30 bar
Max. operating temperature: 195°C